Vartkes Images
Collection | A
Incantation With Light I
The Unseen- Roadside Grasses
Collection | B
Light in White Satin
Vineyards and Their Fruit I
Vineyards and Their Fruit II
Fading Tapestries I
2019 TOP 26 Personal Collection
About Vartkes
Contact Vartkes
Vartkes Peltekoglu
Vartkes Images
Collection | A
Incantation With Light I
The Unseen- Roadside Grasses
Collection | B
Light in White Satin
Vineyards and Their Fruit I
Vineyards and Their Fruit II
Fading Tapestries I
2019 TOP 26 Personal Collection
About Vartkes
Contact Vartkes
Light in White Satin
A silvery sheen brings a sense of mystery and encourages contemplation
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Fading Tapestries I
Even in their final days they weave tapestries of distinction
Strength... Adaptability... Tenacity... Tree Roots clinging to rocks represent qualities for us all to admire
Vineyards and Their Fruit I
Groomed, manicured and organized, yet, vineyards are characterful, the fruit is so colourful. Vineyards are meditative spaces.
2019 TOP 26 Personal Collection
This collection of images were made during 2019. They are a sample of my favourites from 2019.
Vineyards and Their Fruit II
How else vineyards and their fruit might be seen or thought of?
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